
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Why I Like Being me. Arvay

Why I Like Being me

I like being me because I have lovely family that protects
me and takes me out everywhere.
I like being me because I go to the best school ever that doesn’t
just look after me but teach’s me with everything I need to know.
I like being me because I have a warm and cozy family
that takes care of me
everyday and even when I am sick.
I like being me because I get to have my favourite food everyday
witch is toast and cereal.
I like being me because I have a mum who has a car that
can drive me to the shops and school.

I also like being me because I good and kind friends who
help me with anything.


  1. Hello Arvay it is me Monique. I love your comment Arvay. I like your comment because you have more information in your writing. I like it when you describe your work. Keep on blogging Arvay.

  2. Hi Monique. Thank you for commenting.

  3. Hello Arvay Its me Kamaea from St Pius X School. I liked how you told us about you and that you have a caring family and kind friends. Keep on blogging Arvay.

  4. Thank you Kamaea,
    Thank you for commenting and I can't wait to see your blog
