I am a year 7 student in Te Wairua Pakiki 6 Learning Space at St. Pius X Catholic School in Auckland, New Zealand. My teachers Miss Nees-Kairua and Mrs Tui.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Beach and the Ogre
A grumpy ogre came to the calm beach. The ogre was so cross with his ogre mates so he chose to
meditate at the windy calm beach. His mates said to him "you don't deserve a life and you are too mean to be our friend. He felt sad and brokenhearted. The beach was so quiet that he fell asleep! The waves made a little splash and he woke. The wind had made a "swoosh" sound. The ogre put his feet into the sand and closed his eyes. He breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth. He had a bit of a smelly breath. When he finished he felt relaxed and as calm as the beach. After he went for a swim he dried off and went home
meditate at the windy calm beach. His mates said to him "you don't deserve a life and you are too mean to be our friend. He felt sad and brokenhearted. The beach was so quiet that he fell asleep! The waves made a little splash and he woke. The wind had made a "swoosh" sound. The ogre put his feet into the sand and closed his eyes. He breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth. He had a bit of a smelly breath. When he finished he felt relaxed and as calm as the beach. After he went for a swim he dried off and went home
Character and Setting Desription
In class we have been learning how to write a story only about the setting or a character.
I will be updating this doc through out the week and year.
I will be updating this doc through out the week and year.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
K4K Show
On Thursday, the first week of school I was late to practice at the K4K Vodafone Event Centre in Manukau.
After school I went home and got ready for K4K. Once I was ready I had dinner and went to go pick up Kamaea from her house. Miss. Nees-Kairua said for parents to meet up at school.
When my mum dropped us off to school we went into the office and she left. Savior was already there so we waited until Laurence came to school. Finally he came and his mum took a photo of us. We wasted our time to wait for the others and nobody came. We waited for Mrs. Tui to come and then she came after 20 minutes.
We hopped into her car and headed off to the studio. I got scared because I didn’t know the actions to the dances. When we saw Beata’s Parents they told us she was around the corner. Suddenly around the corner was everyone else! I was so exited and not scared anymore. I wasn’t scared anymore because Kalisi was there and I knew she would help me with the dances!
When we got inside we played some games like “Apple on a stick” and “Concentration”. After a long time we had a group talk and when we finished we went inside. When we got into the studio we sat down and sang. The first song was called home again.
Once it was finished we went home!
After school I went home and got ready for K4K. Once I was ready I had dinner and went to go pick up Kamaea from her house. Miss. Nees-Kairua said for parents to meet up at school.
When my mum dropped us off to school we went into the office and she left. Savior was already there so we waited until Laurence came to school. Finally he came and his mum took a photo of us. We wasted our time to wait for the others and nobody came. We waited for Mrs. Tui to come and then she came after 20 minutes.
We hopped into her car and headed off to the studio. I got scared because I didn’t know the actions to the dances. When we saw Beata’s Parents they told us she was around the corner. Suddenly around the corner was everyone else! I was so exited and not scared anymore. I wasn’t scared anymore because Kalisi was there and I knew she would help me with the dances!
When we got inside we played some games like “Apple on a stick” and “Concentration”. After a long time we had a group talk and when we finished we went inside. When we got into the studio we sat down and sang. The first song was called home again.
Once it was finished we went home!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How to make a painted cushion By: Arvay
In my class at Saint Pius X Catholic School, we decided to get to know eachother and ourselves better. We did this as part of our health and wellness to get to know what makes us work and feel happy if we are sad. We made cushions that were all about us! Everything we put on our cushions were things that were important to us like our family, favourite food, hobbies, culture we are and religious values that are important to us. We all guessed which cushion belonged to who and talked about what makes us special and unique. Our teacher Miss Nees-Kairua said it is our differences and our similarities that make us all unique and special.
When we were making the cushion I liked making them because I've never made a cushion before, but what I didn't like about making the cushion was that it didn't turn out as I wanted it to be. Why I didn't like my cushion was because the paint turned into another color. If I could make another cushion I would choose a different type of paint.
How to make a Painted Cushion:
This is how my cushion turned out!!!
How to make a Painted Cushion:
- Choose a square shaped fabric
- Choose what kind of paint (It doesn't have to be fabric paint)
- Buy or get a piece of white chalk
- Make a line around and make a cross touching the line around the piece of fabric with the chalk
- Choose any 4 color's of paint (I chose white, blue, purple and brown)
- Paint those any 4 color's of paint into the 4 pieces that you made from the chalk and let it dry
- Once it's dry design the 4 parts with the chalk
- When you've finished designing the fabric choose the colors to paint it.
- Now paint the design on the fabric.
- If you want the other side to be the same then repeat these steps and if not then buy a different type of fabric that's already designed
- Sew the pieces of fabric together and leave a whole so you can put the fluff inside.
- When the fluff is inside the cushion then sew the rest of it
This is how my cushion turned out!!!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Floor planning of The new school!
In room 5 and room 3 we have been planning to make an example of the new school.
We used a link, click here to make your own school or whatever you want.
You can add furniture and rooms of different shapes. Have a good time when you might play the game. Thank you!!
We used a link, click here to make your own school or whatever you want.
You can add furniture and rooms of different shapes. Have a good time when you might play the game. Thank you!!
Monday, October 21, 2019
Reading Test
Reading Test
This Morning we were getting ready to do our reading test. Mrs. Tui came in to help us to get organised. We checked if our netbooks were charged and then we got started. First we typed in google www.nzceronline.org.nz and we put our password into the box. Next Miss Nees-Kairua put the timer on and we read. After we read the story, we answered the questions. My favorite story was Pavlova Queen. At the end of the test there was other question that said "Did you like the test?" and I answered agree. And that is that end of my reading test. Thank you!
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Chinese Doctors Remove a Spoon out of a Mans Throat
Chinese doctors remove spoon from man’s throat!
Chinese doctors have removed a 20-centimetre long spoon which was stuck in a man’s throat for a year.
The man, named as Mr Zhang, swallowed the spoon in 2017. However, he suffered no pain or discomfort and did not seek medical attention to remove the utensil.
It wasn’t until he was recently hit in the chest that the spoon became a problem.
It took two hours to retrieve the spoon, with the procedure carrying a risk of perforating his oesophagus.
Mr Zhang recovered well from the procedure and was discharged two days later.
1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?
2. What was the key event from the news article?
3. Where did this event take place?
4. When did this event take place?
Mr Zhang
Taking out a spoon from a mans throat
swallowed the spoon in 2017 and removed the spoon in 2019
This story is very interesting because how could he not notice that a spoon is in his throat? Or is the spoon plastic or metal? Or How did they take the spoon out? There are so many questions. I hope you like this interesting post and I can't wait to see your posts. Thank you and have a good day.
Chinese doctors have removed a 20-centimetre long spoon which was stuck in a man’s throat for a year.
The man, named as Mr Zhang, swallowed the spoon in 2017. However, he suffered no pain or discomfort and did not seek medical attention to remove the utensil.
It wasn’t until he was recently hit in the chest that the spoon became a problem.
It took two hours to retrieve the spoon, with the procedure carrying a risk of perforating his oesophagus.
Mr Zhang recovered well from the procedure and was discharged two days later.
1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?
2. What was the key event from the news article?
3. Where did this event take place?
4. When did this event take place?
Mr Zhang
Taking out a spoon from a mans throat
swallowed the spoon in 2017 and removed the spoon in 2019
This story is very interesting because how could he not notice that a spoon is in his throat? Or is the spoon plastic or metal? Or How did they take the spoon out? There are so many questions. I hope you like this interesting post and I can't wait to see your posts. Thank you and have a good day.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Monday, September 16, 2019
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Monday, August 12, 2019
Smart Relationship Quality's.....
WHAT- Me, Malia and Kamaea had to build a very tall tower only with 15 spaghetti sticks and one huge marshmallow. Our one was the smallest.
WHY- The whole point of it was to be nice and have a smart relationship. Like teamwork.
HOW- You need the marshmallow and the stick it to the pasta. We had to not yell at each other ether.
WHEN- After lunch on the 13/8/2019
WITCH QUALITY- Honesty because when they do it they mean it.
WHY- The whole point of it was to be nice and have a smart relationship. Like teamwork.
HOW- You need the marshmallow and the stick it to the pasta. We had to not yell at each other ether.
WHEN- After lunch on the 13/8/2019
WITCH QUALITY- Honesty because when they do it they mean it.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Smart Relationships (with Monique, Kalisi and Aurora
The Last slide is mine and I hope you like qualities of a smart relationship.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Adding detail to our writing
This is what we have to put into our writing to add more detail.
Adding more detail make your writing more interesting.
Making your writing more interesting makes people want to read it.
Screenshot this image if you want to put detail in your writing.
Monday, July 22, 2019
My Holiday at (At The Zoo)
I went with my cousin Delylah, my soon to be cousin Millen, my Aunty Hollie, my Uncle Matty, my Mum, my brothers dad and my 3 siblings.
The first animals we looked at were the Giraffes, Zebra's and the Ostrich's. Then we looked at the meerkats, they are pretty cute (sometimes). But the cutest animal was the Cotton top Tamarin's. We watched them play for a while.

animals we stopped at the playground for a play and had some food that we brought with us. There were sausage rolls, nuts, fruit and sparkling water.
Overall my favorite thing was when I climbed
on top of the dragon at the playground. I thought I would fall but I tried to be very careful and held onto the spikes.

We followed our maps around for a while to
see the rest of the animals we had missed.
On our way back to the gate, we got to see the new tiger enclosure that they are building and my family and I cant wait to come back when it is finished.
Everyone enjoyed their day but after the 2 and a half hours we spent there we were ready to go home. We said our goodbyes to my Aunty Hollie, cousin DD, Millen and Uncle Matty.
On our way home Mum bought us an ice block each and something hot to eat.
To end such an awesome day we went for a rest because we went for a big walk.
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Public or Private
In Cybersmart we were thinking about personal information.
I don't realy know why I put my pets name on (A).
The reason why I wouldn't share my home address is because my house has got robbed two times.
I wanted to put my favorite things on (A) because people would probably want to do it, too.
My document was different to Mrs. collins because
my strengths was supposed to be in the (A) and
How many siblings I have was also supposed to be in the (A).
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Monday, May 13, 2019
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
What is my Digital Footprint
My Digital Footprint
I completed the Manaiakalani
Learner Questionaire
I liked the way the Butterfly moved at the top of the page.
I didn't like how many questions there were.
If I was to do it again I would change my answers that were at the bottom of the page.
Friday, May 3, 2019
My Birth Day🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂
My Holiday
In the Holiday it was my 9th Birthday. My birthday is April 24. I was so exited. My mum was planing for us to go to the park but since my baby brother was sick we weren't allowed to go. I got some cool presents.
I got a jacket that I could wear inside out, a pair of tights, some shorts, a bonjour L' amour T-shirt, pens, note books, pencils, erasers, a track suit, a red fishing rod and 20 dollars.
I had a blue, pink and rainbow cake with M&M's. It was vanilla sponge with strawberry jam.
I had another birthday cake at my dad's house but it was plain, a carrot cake.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Little big Speech By Arvay
Little Big Speech
I have a dream that one day my Family will raise their hearts with God's praise.
I have a dream that one day my school will learn about God and work as much as people are supposed to learn.
I have a dream that my community will not be polluted by gasoline from cars, ,rubbish from food and plastic bag's from shopping at the mall.
I have a dream that my country will be healthy.
I have a dream that the world will be more kind and peaceful.
By Arvay
I have a dream that my community will not be polluted by gasoline from cars, ,rubbish from food and plastic bag's from shopping at the mall.
I have a dream that my country will be healthy.
I have a dream that the world will be more kind and peaceful.
By Arvay
Sunday, February 17, 2019
All About Me 2019
Geia Sou, Kia orana and Hello my name is Arvay.
I am 8 years old and I go to Saint Pius X School. My ancestry is on my mothers side is English, Cypriot, Irish and Scottish. On my fathers side English and Cook Island.
I have 2 younger sisters, a baby brother, my mother, my father and my brothers father.
I am good at dancing and reading. I love when I make my little brother laugh.
My challenge is to be good at writing and maths.
My goal is to get a certificate at prize giving this year. My personal achievements are, being healthier and moving up at least 1 level in maths and writing.
The person who inspires me the most is my mum, because she encourages me to do home learning and she helps me whenever I need help. Thank you for reading my blog. ( If you did )
I am 8 years old and I go to Saint Pius X School. My ancestry is on my mothers side is English, Cypriot, Irish and Scottish. On my fathers side English and Cook Island.
I have 2 younger sisters, a baby brother, my mother, my father and my brothers father.
I am good at dancing and reading. I love when I make my little brother laugh.
My challenge is to be good at writing and maths.
My goal is to get a certificate at prize giving this year. My personal achievements are, being healthier and moving up at least 1 level in maths and writing.
The person who inspires me the most is my mum, because she encourages me to do home learning and she helps me whenever I need help. Thank you for reading my blog. ( If you did )
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